Tuesday 4 December 2007


This has been one of the most challenging terms I've ever experienced. So many deadlines and not enough time in the day. I can't say that I've enjoyed this new technologies module or being the most enthusiastic participant, however I have been informed of and introduced to many new concepts.

My views on blogging have definitely changed. Despite my ineptitude in regards to maintaining and posting on this blog regularly I am seriously considering starting one in the new year.

I've discovered how profitable it can be if you've got a unique or notable blog. Advertisers want to be linked to any product that is being talked about or creating a buzz online. Just take a look at http://www.technorati.com/ and the types of blogs making headlines and most importantly being shared. Blogging is great for making connections and developing a following, and in my opinion less impersonal than Facebook.

I've been exposed to ideas that have intrigued, inspired and confused me. In particular the way in which online communities like Facebook have made relationships that were once distinguishable into one unstructured web. Colleagues, clients, acquaintances, family and friends can all be connected and above all managed in one digital space. Its redefined the term 'friendship', something that takes time to develop. I still find it quite worrying that increasingly fewer of us are willing to invest time and attention on relationships and are happy to forfeit meaningful engagement for a collection of acquaintances.

If there had been less time constraints I would have spent some time doing background reading in order to broaden my understanding of new media theory.My experiences on this course have made me appreciate the significance of positive communication when working as part of a team, something I will improve on in future.