Tuesday 13 November 2007

It was not my intention to use this blog to share details of my personal life but in light of events that have occurred recently I will make an exception. My ability to participate fully in this project and complete other coursework for this degree is being adversely affected so I'll make comment.

I have had no internet connection for nearly 3 months now due to the bureaucracy that is associated with switching supplier, a process that should be straightforward and hassle free.
As a result I have been unable to maintain an acceptable level of communication with the members of my group and my commitment to this project will be called into question.
I now fully appreciate the value of the Internet in my life and will certainly not take it for granted in future
On a more basic level I don't have enough money for a bus pass so I won't be going anywhere for a couple of days and hence the reason why I was unable to attend yesterday's session.

And finally...last Friday night after a long afternoon and evening at work launching the iPhone I return home to find my kitchen has been flooded! The flat upstairs is actually vacant so how it happened is anybody's guess. But I have heard a few overzealous workmen stomping up and down, drilling etc. so they are probably the culprits...I'll be investigating, believe me.
Right now I'm attempting to create some semblance of normality and get back on track with my work but it's going to be hard.